Brain Food for us All

Our Brain….. The engine of our bodies! Brain Food is the focal point of keeping our Brain in top working order.


Order It Here and Have it just a Couple Days!


Maintenance is Key.

Ever tried to drive your car with no oil? Of course not, so why do we try to think, and act in our lives without maintaining our brain? With BRAN, maintenance is a SNAP! When you fuel your body’s brain, you’ll become more focused, with more energy and positivity. One of the fuels we need is glucose, yes, sugar. So where do we get this sugar? We get glucose from eating carbohydrates, unfortunately, we want to eat the wrong carbs and to much. Eating like this, as I can relate to, is unhealthy and can be very destructive to your body which I don’t have to tell you….. IS DANGEROUS!

Sugar is the enemy!

Even though we need sugar we sometimes get it from the wrong source. Sugar is found in almost every processed food and drink. Let me be clear on this point, I AM NOT A DOCTOR, NOR DO I HAVE ANY MEDICAL TRAINING. I can only speak of my personal experiences. Changing my diet has helped me to be a little happier, calmer and more positive. What we call a “STATE OF FLOW.” When your in a state of flow there’s no fatigue, you become clear minded, happy and confident. Why be in this STATE OF FLOW? Our brain is only 2% of our entire body but uses 20% of our bodies energy. Why would we want to waste it? We all want to get as much productivity of that 20% as possible. When I was in the Marine Corps, we had to dig trenches and fox holes. Can you imagine digging holes in the earth with a spoon? Not to productive! How about filling your swimming pool with an eye dropper? Now I know that sounds ridiculous, but think of the wasted productivity. The same is true about our brain! To get into the STATE OF FLOW, you need to be in good physical shape, have a perfect diet and and the perfect rest formula. Now that’s a tough one to swallow, but Good News is here. Scientists have found a way to supply the right nutrients that fuel the brain. This formula is called BRAN REIMAGINED a way to bio hack your way to a STATE OF FLOW.

BRAN works in 3 stages.

Alpha Stage will boost mental energy, provide a physical boost, and help athletic performance.

Beta Stage Improves your mood while supporting feelings of calmness, and positive thinking.

Omega Stage will boost mental performance, mental acuity, all while enhancing focus and alertness.


Right away you will notice the clear thought process, more energy, a feeling of euphoria like you’ve never felt before. Your focus and alertness will shine through, your mood will improve and BRAN supports positive thinking.

Nanotechnology is a science of reducing particles of 100 nanometers or less which makes many compounds easier to digest. BRAN was formulated by taking into account the functions, processes, and complexities of the brain. Our scientists have created a premium stacked nootropic that has key nutrients in a powerfully potent 15 ml dosage. Each snap contains 100 mg of green coffee bean and 20 mg of niacin, like a cup of coffee without the jitters.


Caramel Macchiato and Chocolate Sea Salt, other ingredients- purified water, organic agave, natural flavors, sunflower lecithin, and sea salt.

Lemon Drop, other ingredients- purified water, organic agave, natural flavors, sunflower lecithin, and citric acid.

Pumpkin Spice and Peanut Butter Cup(seasonal) other ingredients- purified water, organic agave, natural flavors, sunflower lecithin, and e-polylysine (preservative).

Chocolate Mint other ingredients- purified water, organic agave, natural flavors, sunflower lecithin, sea salt and e-polylysine (preservative).

Start your HAPPY and AMAZING DAY with Bran (BRAIN FOOD) Reimagined Here

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